Are Homes With Asbestos Siding Worth Less?

This is a trick question of sorts, as it’s akin to asking “Are homes with 1950s tile worth less?”. It all depends on the particular home involved, the local housing market, and a ton of other variables. In general, though, homes with asbestos siding are viewed by most buyers and sellers as having a “problem”, […]

Is Asbestos Siding Dangerous?

It seems a silly question but “Is asbestos siding dangerous?” is an important topic to discuss. The general impression of asbestos has changed over time so that many people now wrongly assuming that it is a highly dangerous, toxic substance that must be immediately removed. Asbestos is only dangerous when cut, sawn, or broken into […]

Should I Remove Asbestos Siding from My Home?

If you have asbestos siding on your home, whether or not to remove asbestos siding is a tricky question. If the siding is largely intact and undamaged, it poses no health risk. Asbestos only poses a health risk when the fibers are violently disturbed (such as from breaking or sawing many asbestos siding shingles) and […]